New Vacancies Ecoselect

DUTCH ONLY Dear Members, EcoSelect is looking for young starters in the areas of environment and soils. Check out the new vacancies at the vacancy page ( Love, The Board

GAOS/Lulofs Lustrum Information

Dear Members, The website page for the fifth GAOS lustrum together with Lulofs is now online! Please go to for more information on the activities and how to sign up! Hope to see as many of you as possible there! Love, The...

Vacancy Page and New Vacancies

Dear members, Since a couple of months we have our own vacancy page on the website ( You can use this page to look for interesting and relevant vacancies. We will keep this updated regularly in the future, and we hope you like it! For...

GAOS End of the Year BBQ

Dear members, On Friday the 30th of June, there will be an end of the year BBQ during the Flux Festival! There will be drinks, food and games! The BBQ starts with a drink and a game of football at 16:30! If you would like to join, please fill in the form below before...

Geodan Company Visit

Dear Everyone, The Geodan company visit from 3 March 2017 was a great success! Both Geodan and the attending students were very excited about the interesting presentations and the chance for us Gaotics to get to know the company. Company visits like these are...

VrijMiBoat Winter Canal Cruise 2017 in Review

Dear all, The VrijMiBoat Winter Canal Cruise 2017 was a great success! We are very happy that everyone had a blast and this activity is definitely up for repeat! The photos of this event, including the new board picture, are now online. To many more activities with...